Impacted Population
The World Health Organization identifies bipolar disorder as the sixth-highest cause of disability among people ages 15 to 44. More than 5.7 million Americans suffer from its symptoms every year.
Mania Symptoms
While in the mania phase, a patient may exhibit some or all of these symptoms: increased talkativeness, no need for sleep or rest, high level of distraction or irritation, bad judgment, denial, high energy level and increased sexual desire, overriding euphoric feelings and a grander view of self.
Depression Symptoms
While in the depression phase, a patient may exhibit some or all of these symptoms: sadness or a sense of emptiness, loss of interest in previously engaging activities, uncontrollable crying, decreased energy, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts, dramatic changes in weight or appetite, inability to make decisions, social withdrawal and restlessness.
How Anxiety Fits In
The type of anxiety that accompanies bipolar disorder can paralyze the affected patient. The person experiences the classic anxiety symptoms--such as persistent, uncontrolled tension--but is unable to overcome daily worries as others can.
While online self-screening tests are a good place to start, the best way to determine if you or someone you love is suffering from manic depression anxiety is to seek the advice of a licensed psychiatrist.
Treatment options are varied and can include medication, psychotherapy aimed at cognitively changing the patient's view of himself and his environment, and, in some extreme cases, electroconvulsive therapy. In developing a treatment plan, a psychiatric professional will consider a patient's age, overall health, attitude toward treatment and insurance coverage.